Welcome to the What's What page! Here you will find helpful information about hypnosis, articles and other information, tidbits and sometimes fun stuff. This will be an evolving page, so check back from time to time for new information and insights.
Fast Way to Set Your Mind for a Great Day:
1. Plan on 3-5 minutes. Get in a nice comfortable chair, remove or turn off distractions.
2. Start with your eyes open and begin to breathe in the following way:
Take a nice, easy deep breath in and breathe out slower than you breathed in. As you breathe out, let your body release and relax. Repeat for 2 more breathes the same way. Should thoughts pop in, just return your focus to your breath.
3. Now close your eyes, continuing the same breathing pattern; begin now envisioning your day and the best possible outcome. Repeat for 3 breaths total. Open your eyes and start a great day!
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor Frankl
Here’s some information you might like about hypnosis:
And here’s what some of the early experts in the field of hypnosis had to say about it:
Hypnosis is:
- A state of intensified attention and receptiveness; and an increased responsiveness to an idea or to a set of ideas.
Milton H. Erickson, often referred to as the “Father” of hypnosis
- Hypnosis is not sleep. Whatever sleep is, hypnosis is not. In an operational sense, hypnosis is a response to a signal from another or to an inner signal, which activates a capacity for a shift of awareness in the subject and permits a more intensive concentration upon a designated goal direction… to put it succinctly, hypnosis is an altered state of attention which approaches peak concentration capacity.
Herbert Spiegel, Psychiatrist famously worked with Sybil. He popularized therapeutic hypnosis.
- It is a somewhat altered state of consciousness and altered awareness, although the conscious mind is still present. We might compare it to a teeter-totter. In the waking state the conscious mind is at the high end of the teeter-totter and the subconscious mind at the low end. Under hypnosis they reverse and the subconscious is at the high end and the conscious part at the low end, but it is still present. Thoughts rise from the inner mind into consciousness.
Leslie M. LeCron, author of “Self Hypnotism”
- Hypnosis is a natural state of mind with special identifying characteristics:
- An extraordinary quality of relaxation.
- An emotionalized desire to satisfy the suggested behavior: The person feels like doing what the hypnotist suggests, provided that what is suggested does not generate conflict with his belief system.
- The organism becomes self-regulating and produces normalization of the central nervous system.
- Heightened and selective sensitivity to stimuli perceived by the five senses.
- Immediate softening of psychic defenses.
- Lack of response to irrelevant external stimuli.
Gil Boyne. Gil Boyne was an American pioneer in modern hypnotherapy that focused on training thousands of "lay" hypnotherapists primarily in Glendale, CA as well as throughout the world.
And here are some truths and myths about hypnosis:
- You have access to your subconscious mind and the ability to change “pre-programmed” ideas and beliefs.
- Hypnosis is an adjunct that can assist the body in healing and overall health
- Hypnosis is a natural, yet altered state, allowing communication between the conscious and subconscious mind. This assists change work or goals decided upon by the client.
- We move in and out of “trance” all day. Examples: daydreaming, intense focus on a project, getting “lost” in a book or movie. Or “forgetting” the drive home while you thought about an important issue. You arrived home safely but may not remember all of the details of your drive
- In hypnosis you are being “controlled.” In hypnosis you will never do anything you are morally opposed to. If the mind is opposed or feels threatened, fearful or resistant, the client will bring himself or herself out of hypnosis.
- Hypnosis is a truth serum. False! You can lie in hypnosis. You will not divulge anything you do not want to.
- You can get stuck in hypnosis. Nope. You will always come out of trance, since trance is a natural state.
I was recently interviewed about the value of hypnotism in medical settings, click on the article below to learn more:
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