“When my soul needs to just be and breathe, you’ll find me at the ocean…."
For most of my life I have been in a field that strives to help people. I worked for a family of churches for 16 years, organizing various programs, and meeting with people from different backgrounds and ages. My husband and I made a career change in our mid-forties (not for the faint of heart!). He became a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and also a Certified Addictions Counselor. I became fascinated with the minds ability to make changes quickly. Simply put, to let go of negative emotions or memories and turn to attach to positive, life giving thoughts and beliefs.
I have purposefully focused my studies on mind change work. Currently I hold certifications in Hypnotherapy, Clinical (Medical Support) Hypnotherapy, NLP, Advanced NLP and most recently Inner Mind Sourcing. I am passionate about mind change and the minds’ many abilities. I am professionally associated with the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association and this year had the honor of co-teaching at their annual conference. Besides my private practice, I work with an outpatient recovery center. This center is focused on helping those with addictions to alcohol, opiates and other substances.
One should celebrate their birthday dancing barefoot at the beach with their honey!
My husband and I co-own MTC Counseling located in the Orlando area. As I have been developing and expanding other modalities we decided to add this site for greater focus on mind change work.
I meet with people individually and also lead group sessions and “Mini-retreats.” Mini Retreats focus on a topic of your choice and is usually for a small group over a two day period. Topics range from Self Esteem issues, Drawing Closer to God, Letting go of negative thoughts, etc. For more information regarding all of my services, please visit the contact page.